The Cloud turtle logo incorporates two strong elements of symbolism. The Cloud Turtle symbolises endurance and prosperity. The turtle means ‘long life’ and the cloud elements mean ‘fortune clouds’ and are also known as the ‘clouds of promise’. In combination they become ‘ CLOUD TURTLE’

The Cloud Turtle range has broad appeal with both eastern and western customers and is easily remembered and recalled. These wines are also another accessible ‘Value’ entry level range for everyday occasions and on premise pouring opportunities.

The Cloud Turtle wines are ideal as an on premise, restaurant and resort range with a wide selection of popular varieties and styles.

Cloud Turtle Classic wine range.

Available in:

Chardonnay, Pinot Grigio,

Sauvignon Blanc – Australia, Sauvignon Blanc – New Zealand,

Rose, Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot.

Contact us for current product information and vintage details.